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19.01.2022 __________

Good news !!!

Finally, we received new local lore space.
Thorough publication of the famous researcher on the history of our region Valentina Lazebnyk "Honorary Citizens of Katerynoslav 1868-1917".
Almanac 2020 At the turn of the epochs , consisting of 8 issues by Oleg Repan, Maxim Kavun, Igor Kochergin, Valentina Lazebnik, Valentina Starostina, Marina Grinchak, Tatiana Portnova and Alexandra Dvurechenskaya.
The second book by Maksym Kavun from the series "Gardens and Parks in the History of the Dnieper" entitled "Sevastopol Park - the city pantheon of the Dnieper".
We truly thank the Museum of the History of the Dnieper for the wonderful editions donated to the university collection!
We wish the authors and compilers new interesting searches and the embodiment of their results for the further revival of the historical memory of the Dnipro.

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03.12.2021 __________

The library has received new books in electronic version, donated by the authors:


1. Head department sociology DNU, Dr. Sciences, prof. Vitaly Vladimirovich Krivoshein presented two monographs: "Public sphere of the world" and "Viyni informatsiynoi epoch" (DNU staff are its co-authors).

2. Professor of the Department of Industrial Economics ONAKT Pavlov Alexander Ivanovich donated his book to the library & quot; Formation of Independence of Ukraine: "Perestroika" Endgame: Historical Sketch & quot; ...


We truly thank everyone who supported our library during the year!

Especially to our numerous donators, whose respectful attitude to the book contributed to the qualitative replenishment of our collections.
More than 1000 scientific and fiction publications have appeared on the bookshelves thanks to governmental organizations, local institutions and individuals.
Despite the difficult conditions of 2020, every meeting in the library, unexpected surprises in the form of book parcels inspire us to continue working and instill faith in a better future for the library. More...


New books donated by the author to the library

 Ortenberg Fred - Soviet and Israeli space science scientist, professor donated his book to our library

fred ortenbergfred ortenbergОртенберг Фред
Ткань жизни. Продолжение. (воспоминания российского еврея)
Иерусалим, 2020, 260 с.

In the proposed book, the son of the writer Ortenberg Samuel Fred Ortenberg accepted the baton and continued the family chronicle. Events cover the years 1930-2019 and take place in the Soviet Union, perestroika Russia and Israel. The fate of members of a typical Jewish family is shown against the backdrop of Stalinist repressions, war, evacuation, the Holocaust, post-war anti-Semitic actions, the collapse of the USSR, and the repatriation of Jews to Israel. The book is a continuation of the book of his father Samuel Ortenberg.

fred ortenberg Ortenberg Samuil Ортенберг Самуил
Ткань жизни (воспоминания российского еврея)
Перевод с идиш, 2004, 176 с.

The memoirs of the Yiddish writer Samuel Ortenberg "The Fabric of Life" was published in Israel in the translation into Russian and enjoyed success with readers. The book of Jewish literary critic presents the life of Jews in the pre-revolutionary years and during the formation of Soviet power in Ukraine. Events span the years 1910-1930

Both books are also available in electronic version.

Самуил Ортенберг. Ткань жизни (воспоминания российского еврея)

Ортенберг Фред. Ткань жизни. Продолжение. (воспоминания российского еврея)


1The library received a new book presented by the author

 Nadezhda-Yuliya Yushchenko, a Kremenchug poetess, has presented her new book "Time reveals the truth" to the readers of Oles Gonchar Dnipro National University. This book is a collection of poetry, which touches the soul of each Ukrainian. You can feel not just love for Ukraine, but also spiritual faith in it, in its people in each poem and in each line. Yulia Efimovna is an example of a person whose soul is anxious about everything that leads Ukraine to death, for the fact that 'at evil sad wicked time a brother kills a brother and show this to the whole world…' The poetess says: "My soul is crying, and my Word isn't silent. This is my mission on this beautiful blooming Earth given by God".



Gift of Sergey Ivanovich Zhuk
professor of Ball State University, Indiana, the USA


1. Zhuk S. I. Soviet Americana / S. I. Zhuk. – London; New York, 2018. – 323p.

In this book, Professor Sergei Zhuk relies on a large number of archival documents, periodicals, letters and diaries, he also uses more than 100 exclusive interviews with prominent American people. This is a comprehensive review of changing the attitude towards the US during the 20th century.

2. Zhuk S. I. Nikolai Bolkhovitinov and American Studies in the USSR / S.I. Zhuk. – Lanham; Boulder; New York; London, 2017. – 275 p.

This book is an intellectual biography of Nikolai Bolhovitinov (1930-2008) - a prominent Soviet historian who was the first to study the history of the USA and US relations with Russia. In his research the author uses archival documents, theories of Russian and Ukrainian American scholars, various periodicals, personal correspondence, diaries, and more than hundreds of interviews.

3. Zhuk S. I. Russia's Lost Reformation / S. I. Zhuk. – Washington, D.C., 2004. – 457 p.

Radical Protestant Christianity widespread in rural parts of southern Russia and Ukraine in the 19th and early 20th centuries. This book contains the doctrine of the origin and evolution of theology, practical instruments of these radicals and their contribution to the alternative culture of the region.

4. Zhuk S. I. Rock and Roll in the Rocket City / S.I. Zhuk. – Washington, D.C., 2010. – 440 p.

In this book, Sergey Zhuk estimates the influence of Western culture on young people in the city and examines the degree when consumption of Western music, cinema and literature calls for ideological control by civil servants.

5. Risch W. J. The Ukrainian West / W. J. Risch. – Cambridge; London, 2011. – 360 p.

The book consists of two sections: 1) Lviv and the Soviet West; 2) Lviv and the Ukrainian nation. The author touches upon such topics as development of Lviv in the postwar period, Lviv and the past of Ukraine, youth, mass culture and counterculture, language, etc.


Book Giving Day had begun long before the 14th of February. Our regular readers Ivanova Svetlana Anatolievna (Associate Professor of Systems and Means of Mass Communication Faculty) , Gorodnyuk Natalia Andreevna (Associate Professor of Ukrainian and Foreign Philology and Study of Arts Faculty) , Levun Nina Vitalievna (Associate Professor of Ukrainian and Foreign Philology and Study of Arts Faculty) and Bukhno Galina Nikolaevna (Ukrainian-American Lyceum teacher, National Mining University) made pleasant book gifts for this holiday. More



In October, the scientific library received a gift from the Faculty of History - the second edition of the monograph of the Doctor of Historical Sciences, professor of the Department of History of Ukraine, dean of the historical faculty of the DNU. Olesya Gonchar S.I. Svetlenko: "Dmytro Yavornytsky: a scientist and a teacher in the Ukrainian intellectual community". The monograph was the result of ten years of work, was tested at a number of scientific conferences. She will be interested not only by a narrow circle of specialists, but also by a wide range of scholars, educators, ethnographers, graduate students, students and all lovers of history of Ukraine and their native land.



To the 100th anniversary of the university, a young Ukrainian writer, translator, journalist and scientist Natalia Vladimirovna Devyatko presented her books "Treasures of Ghost Islands. Map and Compass","Treasures of Ghost islands. Desert Wind Lover","The Gold of the Sun, the Blue of the Sky", "The Legend of the Young Spring" ,"Three Steps to Dawn", written in the style of fantasy and magical realism. More


iconaiconThe Library fund was replenished with an author's gift - a monographic study "Ukrainian Home Icon" by Olga Vadimovna Bogomolets, People's Deputy of Ukraine, Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences, founder of the Ukrainian Home Icon and Antiquities Museum "Soul of Ukraine". The publication of a talented contemporary and statesman is a fundamental research devoted to the preservation of historical memory and formation of a national cultural heritage. The book contains interesting unique materials on the history of home icons of different regions of Ukraine: Kiev, Polesye, Podolia, Slobozhanshchyna, Chernigov, Severschina, Prykarpattya and Zakarpattya. The author remembers sad events connected with destruction of the icon in the 20's and 30's of the twentieth century. The book reminds us of the times when the icon in the house was an amulet for a man and a family. We invite everyone who loves Ukrainian folk culture, its customs and traditions to get acquainted with the book.


pragmatichniyOur scientific library received a gift from one of the graduates of the philological faculty of our university Ksenia Taranenko - the monograph "Pragmatical Potential of Ukrainian Antonyms ". The book presents a comprehensive analysis of the pragmatic component of antonymic lexical meaning in the Ukrainian language. The work will be useful for scholars of philology, teachers, students and those interested in the problems of modern linguistics.





novaThe library received a gift - a new book on the history of Ukraine dealing with the Ukrainian Revolution of 1917-1921. The author's staff of the publication includes 9 scientific historians, whose sphere of interest is the history of the rebel movement of this period. The joint efforts of the authors made it possible to create a book that combines the results of modern studies of various aspects of those events and shows their ambiguity and significance in the history of Ukraine. Our special thanks to the donator, one of the authors, the doctor of historical sciences, a professor of DNU Archireiski Dmitry Vladimirovich.



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