
To the 100th anniversary of the university, a young Ukrainian writer, translator, journalist and scientist Natalia Vladimirovna Devyatko presented her books "Treasures of Ghost Islands. Map and Compass","Treasures of Ghost islands. Desert Wind Lover","The Gold of the Sun, the Blue of the Sky", "The Legend of the Young Spring" ,"Three Steps to Dawn", written in the style of fantasy and magical realism. By the way, from this year the works of Natalia Devyatko are studied in the secondary school program.
The book “The Gold of the Sun, the Blue of the Sky” was written during 12 years. It is based on national codes.
The novel "Treasures of Ghost Islands. Map and Сompass" was included in the top ten of All-Ukrainian readership rating "All Read" (2011), it became one of the winners of the art contest "The Constellation of Dnepropetrovsk Muses".
"Three Steps to Dawn" is a collection of poems, legends and stories in which acute problems of modern society are raised, human dignity, strength and spiritual beauty are praised, cruelty, betrayal, meanness and unbelief are condemned.
Doctor of Philology, Professor Anatoly Popovsky in the preface to Natalia Vladimirovna's book says: "Young people always have a thirst for seeking their self-expression. A new creative force is growing in Sicheslavschina, which in time will open its talent in its fullest, one who overcomes all obstacles to the cherished dream reaches the top".
From today, Natalia Devyatko's books are waiting for you on the shelves of the department of fiction.

