Scientific Library
Oles Honchar Dniprio National University
The History of the Library
The history of the university library - is the history of the formation and development of the classical university and its achievements, it is the fate of people dedicated to Her Majesty the Book, to education and university education of young people, it is promoting scientific discoveries and supporting creative individuals.
The University Library began its activity in autumn 1918. It started with a small library with book collection of about 1,000 copies. Significant supplement of collections in 1920 gave her the right to be called the fundamental.
Book stocks of local schools, scientific and public communities, and private collections were the source of acquisition to the University Library. Especially valuable was the collection of Katerynoslav men's gymnasium, one of the oldest in the Russian Empire (opened in 1805).
The Library developed and enriched its collection with new editions of scientific, educational literature and fiction, according to the objectives of the educational process and scientific activities of the university.
On the eve of the Great Patriotic War the Library had 261,799 books and magazines.
During temporary Nazi occupation two-thirds of the fund were destroyed or stolen.
The rebirth of the Library began after the liberation of Dnipropetrovsk in 1943 when learning process started at the University. Great help in collection renewing was given by Russian universities, including M.V. Lomonosov Moscow University. Regular library acquisition through local bookstores, regional distributing centers, subscriptions and book exchange was resumed.
A lot of books were donated to the Library by teachers, scientists and residents. Since 1940 the Library received a deposit copy of all publications printed in the USSR from Central Collector of Libraries. It contributed to the formation of the unique book collection of the Library.
Specialized acquisition changed with development of the university and the appearance of new courses of training. The Structure of the Library changed as well –departmental and faculty libraries and residence hall libraries were created. Thus, books were approached to the place of study and residence of readers.
In 1989 the Library got a new address – a specialized building designed by chief engineer O.M.Novikov. It decorated DNU educational buildings complex. Two million collection of books was packed, transported and placed on six floors of the library building in 3.5 months.
In half a year the books were ready for readers. The dream of many generations of librarians came true. The library created favourable conditions for work and leisure.
Spacious, comfortable reading rooms, interesting expositions and book exhibitions, Portrait Gallery of University founders, prominent scientists, writers, a winter garden, a Computer Room with access to the Internet, and most importantly - book treasures satisfy various needs of our users.
Scientific Library has 15,000 regular readers, including more than 2000 users from other universities. Readers’ servicing is conducted in 8 lending departments, 13 reading rooms, 4 faculty libraries and two dormitories. During the year all the units of the Scientific library serves more than 55000 users.
There are several clubs in the Library - "Literary Drawing Room" student club "Shtrih", club of literature fans, Women's Club. Presentations of new books, literary and musical evenings, meetings with creative teams, photo contests are traditionally held.
The Scientific Library is a regional methodological center for libraries of higher educational institutions in the region.
Welcome to DNU Scientific Library!
Library Regulations / Rules of Library Usage
Students, post-graduates, the teaching staff and workers of the University have the right to use the Scientific Library if a permanent reader’s card is available. All the rest of the users have the right to use reading halls if a temporary reader’s ticket is available.
The main document that gives the right to use the Scientific Library and its branches is a permanent library card. Having a permanent library card you can get information, scientific, popular, educational and methodical literature, fiction, magazines and newspapers. Loss of permanent library card does not remove the responsibility for literature it has. Giving a library card to another person is prohibited.
To become a library user and to obtain a library card you must submit a passport, a certificate from Personnel Department for employees, a student card or a postgraduate card and two photographs (3 x 4 cm).
Students of all forms of learning receive a permanent library card and textbooks in lending departments:
Faculties of Humanities – Room 206;
Faculties of natural sciences, engineering and economics - Room. 219
Specialized halls - Reading Hall of Social and Human Sciences (Room 406), Reading Hall of Natural, Technical and Economic sciences (Room 419) serve all categories of readers, including users from other universities.
Textbooks can be borrowed for a semester or an academic year according to the curriculum.
Scientific and popular literature can be borrowed in Scientific Literature Department (Room 110) to all users for a fixed period limited by the Library (1 month) in the following amounts: teachers, researchers, postgraduate students and applicants - 10-15 volumes; students, employees - 5 volumes.
Single copies of monographs and books of great demand can be borrowed on a limited basis (2-3 days) if a permanent library card is left as a deposit.
Books in Fiction Department (Room 306) can be borrowed on a limited basis - 2-3 volumes for 15 days. Multivolumed editions can be used only in reading halls.
Foreign Literature Department is in a specialized hall (Room 319). Foreign literature can be borrowed for 1 month.
Department of Rare and Valuable books is in Room. 220. The books from this department can be used only in the reading hall without the right of copying.
A Reader must take care of books and other materials from the library collections, return them in due time; making markings in books is prohibited;
removing cards from catalogues is prohibited.
In summer period books and other materials must be returned to the library.
Readers must be re-registered every year:
students and postgraduates - from September, 1;
teachers and staff - from January, 1.
During re-registration all books are returned for control. If necessary, you can get them back.
Readers who graduated or stopped work, must return their library card back to the library.
Collections of Oles Honchar Scientific Library
Rich book collection totals 2 million: 420000 of scientific editions, 489000 editions of educational and methodological literature, 165000 books of fiction, more than 400000 of periodicals.
The Department of Book Exchange has about 70 000 books and magazines. Scientific and popular literature is acquired according to researches and users’ requests.
Before 1992 the Library had received a deposit copy of all publications printed in the USSR, thus scientific works of national universities and academies, foreign scientists are kept in the library collection.
Popular science publication series such as "Folk Sources" , "Personality and Epoch", "High Shelf", "Amazing Peace", "My Twentieth Century", "100 great ...", "World Wild Nature", "Lives of Outstanding People", "Unknown Ukraine", "National Shrines of Ukraine" and "About Ukraine with Humor" are in great demand.
Reference books - encyclopedias, terminological dictionaries, explanatory dictionaries, books of great demand and periodicals for all the postwar period are in reading rooms. Electronic documents - abstract journals,
e-books, e-magazines are in Computer Room.
The Department of Foreign Literature has books and magazines in 19 languages. Beilstein Handbook of Organic Chemistry (144 volumes), Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, Pocket Oxford Russian Dictionary, Oxford Reference Dictionary, Le Petit Robert, Larousse Dictionnaire francais, Petit Laruosse illustre, Enciclopedia Britannica (46 volumes) are of particular value.
A significant part of English literature is presented by a 250-volume edition «The Millennium Library " donated by the British Council in Ukraine.
In the 90s the Scientific Library received sponsorship from the Federal Republic of Germany for purchasing of scientific literature on a variety of disciplines, monographs of outstanding scientists in the English and in German languages.
Considerable part of the collection is scientific and educational literature in Polish, donated by the Polish Association of Book Publishers in 2004 during the Exhibition of Polish Books in DNU Library.
The collection of educational literature corresponds to the training directions. It is supplemented not only by specialized textbooks, but also by editions of DNU teachers.
Fiction Department has classic literary works of world and national literature, contemporary prose and poetry, literary anthologies.
There is a "Club of literature fans”. Its collection is renewed by donations of its members. Here you can find science fiction, adventure literature, "women" prose.
The History of the Scientific Library is reflected in the collection of rare books dating back to the 18th -19th centuries, particularly of old books in Russian (523 volumes) and in foreign languages (1050 volumes). Among rare editions you can find “De antiguitatibus urbis Romae” by L. Fauno (Venezia, 1549), “Originum illustrissimae stirpis saxonicae” by G. Fabritius (Jena, 1598), “Historiarum sui temporis” by Jean de Thuani (Paris, 1609 - 1614, individual volumes), «Institutio poetica» by J. Buhler (Koln, 1617), "Encyclopedia" by Diderot and D'Alembert. The library has lifetime editions of M.Lomonosov, O. Sumarokov, V. Tatishchev, M. Shcherbatov, P.-S. Pallas, J.-L. Montesquieu, John. Locke, Buffon, Goethe.
You can get information about rare old printed books
from “The Catalogue of Old Printed Books” by Eugene Saminskiy. The Catalogue consists of 4 issues where the history of each book is presented. Information about authors, translators and owners of each edition, a short summary of the content, autographs and ex libris are shown as well.
You can find information about recent acquisitions
on library website and in "Bulletin of new acquisitions".
All new acquisitions of books are displayed in the
Teaching Hall. The exhibition is changed 2 times a month.
We invite you to meet a book which will help you to work, study, have fun during the holidays and will inspire creativity.
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