Gifts in June 2015
In June 2015 the library received a book from the Ukrainian Institute of Archeology and Source Science. The book is written by Ukrainian politician, historian of the late XIX th- early XXth century. V.K. Lipinsky -"Socio-political works. Vol.1."
A new novel of a famous writer D. Rubina «White dove Kordovy." was gifted to the fiction literature department by a public organization "Adzhutor" (pupils of school No 28).
"Eduard Nikolayevich Kvasha" by A.G. Bystryakov is another interesting book. / The book is about an inhabitant of Dnepropetrovsk, a specialist in the field of mechanics, PSACEA professor, author and co-author of about 140 publications.
Berdyansk museum prepared fundamental works- the result of research of Professor V.I. Portyanka The work is dedicated to formation of steppe vegetation of Southern Ukraine.
The Library is grateful to Miroslava Zayko for the scientific edition "Ukrainian vocabulary," in which the author examines the beauty of the Ukrainian language, ethnic character and its difference from other European languages. The book includes original features, a variety of materials and innovative ideas. It is interesting for readers and specialists on the Ukrainian language.
A textbook "History of Ukrainian society, edited. by Dr. of political Science I.D. Dudko was received from the authors - teachers of KNEU
We wish our donators new creative success in their future scientific researches in favour of libraries.

The workers of the Library are grateful to our regular visitor – a teacher of Ukrainian language and literature of the Ukrainian-American Lyceum G.M. Buchno. Thanks to Galina Mikolajiwna’s gifts our funds were enriched with the publications of Ukrainian and foreign authors.
It is pleasant that giving books to the library became a good tradition within the walls of DNU.