Gifts of books are a traditional form of charity and a reliable source of replenishment of the Fund to the Libraries. Today we sincerely thank our readers: Anatoly Nikolayevich Pasko, Mikhail Abramovich Podzharskiy and his wife – Lyubov Yaroslavna Ivashenyuk, Galina Nikolaevna Buhno, members of the department of Ukrainian literature, Anna Gerasimova and others. These people made a gift of 82 books of art literature in the first half of 2016 for our library.
Viktor Ivanovich Stus, a famous writer-publicist, honored journalist of Ukraine, a former graduate of the University also made a gift of books for our library, supporting a wonderful tradition give books to the library. Soon, our readers will be able to get acquainted with the historical books of Viktor Ivanovich, published from 2011 to 2015. In his works, the author tries to answer the fundamental questions of existence: whose grandchildren or children we are, where our roots are, who were our ancestors, what is important for the descendants from experience of the ancestors? Viktor Stus said: “The future begins in the past: something - in the distant future, something - in the near future”. Exactly such words can be useful for many Ukrainians for the understanding their own place in today's fast paced world.
