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February 15, 2019 marks 30 years from the date of troops’ withdrawal from Afghanistan. The Afghan campaign lasted for more than 9 years and left an incurable wound in the hearts of those who participated in hostilities, who lost friends, sons or parents. These are more than 160,000 Ukrainian soldiers, 12,000 of which were injured and contused and 3360 did not return home. The thirtieth anniversary of troops’ withdrawal from Afghanistan is an important event in the lives of all who fulfilled their international duty for sake of peace.
The exhibition “Hidden War” devoted to this date is presented in scientific literature department. It shows the literature of the late 1980s - early 1990s highlighting the events of February 1989. The heroes of these stories are soldiers and officers who returned home. But the main goal is to remind of those who died in this controversial war (such as our countryman lieutenant Alexander Stovba who protected his friends at the cost of his life). The exhibition displays collections of poems and songs written during the fighting, which most accurately convey the mood and heroics of their time.


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