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Pushkin and Ukraine

This is the name of the exhibition dedicated to the 220th anniversary of the famous poet. "In the spring of 1820, the great Russian poet Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin was walking in dusty and deserted Yekaterinoslav streets, which were wildly overgrown with weeds." This is the beginning of a small, but very interesting historical book published in 1959. This book is called “A. Pushkin in Ekaterinoslav " by Yuri Nemchenko, a teacher and an author with considerable experience who wrote many publications in the local periodicals.   Victor Rogov also wrote about the poet’s stay in our city in the book “Far from the banks of the Neva ...”. This title belongs to the book  which appeared in 1984 in Dnipropetrovsk publishing house “Promin”. The author noted that everything stated is based on documentary data. The oldest book in the exhibition is the edition of 1937, written by Ukrainian writer and a literary critic Dmitry Kosarik “Pushkin in Ukraine”. The book is interesting for its illustrations and the map of Pushkin Routes in Ukraine (1820-1824), the main points of which are Kiev, Chernihiv, Tulchin, Odessa, Kamenka, Kherson and Yekaterinoslav. The authors of “Southern exile of Pushkin” (publishing house Lyra, 2010) Olga Lesyuk and Vasily Khvorost analyzed what had been done in Ukraine in order to perpetuate the memory of the poet. Readers will also be interested in the essays by Ivan Bokii “The Branch of Pushkin Kin”: it is a story about Poltava descendants of Alexander Sergeyevich and how Pushkin became related with Gogol. The exposition is demonstrated in the department of scientific literature on the first floor of the library.
We welcome everyone to visit the exhibition!

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