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The Year of History in DNU library

The word "history" is taken from the Greek language, where it presented the story of the events. For a long time history belongs to the genre of literature, and not accidentally one of the muses - Clio is considered its patron. It is portrayed as a young woman with an inspired face and a scroll of papyrus in her hand. The word "Clio" derives from the Greek word "praise". And indeed the first books of chronicles and biographies were dedicated to glorification of rulers and kings. But what is modern history? It is the Science that studies the past of mankind, relying on written and material evidence of past events. Great Spanish writer, the author of "Don Quixote", Cervantes said: «History is a treasure trove of our deeds, witness of the past, example and lesson for the present, the warning for the future».
Library is the keeper of history and it invites all users, especially students and teachers of the Faculty of History, to get acquainted with exhibitions of books on different periods of mankind history which will be on display during 2017 on many stands in the lobby of the library. We invite all readers to dive into exciting, mysterious and changeable world of history.

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