Library in international cooperation
The beginning of the new academic year was marked by a pleasant event: on September 6, 2023, a second meeting with colleagues from Charles University took place.
The library team continued communication with Lucie Panchártek Suchá, head of the electronic resources department of the Central Library. Her report with a presentation on the topic "Methodical and technical support of electronic information resources-2" was interesting, informative and meaningful.
Employees of the Scientific Library Oles Honchar Dniprio National University got acquainted with the current work experience of their colleagues in purchasing e-resources, promoting information about test access, establishing feedback with readers, obtaining statistics of references to resources and supporting the process of popularizing e-resources among the university community. The participants of the event, led by the director, actively communicated with Czech colleagues and received answers to their questions and provided information about the work experience of the NB DNU in the specified directions.
The event took place in an atmosphere of useful communication, the attendees sincerely enjoyed the time spent with colleagues. We look forward to the next interesting meetings! We sincerely thank the department for work with international organizations and foreign partners for involving the library in international cooperation!
