The Second World War is a series of major battles that decided the fate of mankind in the twentieth century. The battle for the Dnieper is one of the greatest battles that consisted of Chernigiv-Pripyat, Dnieper airborne, Melitopol, Zaporozhye and Kiev offensive operations. 2018 marks the 75th anniversary of the Battle for the Dnieper. An information stand with brief description of the Dnieper airborne operation, the result of which was the liberation of our city and region, was prepared for this event in the scientific literature department. The department also presents the exhibition "Memories of the Winners" where readers can get acquainted with diaries, archival materials, soldiers' letters and postwar memories of those stormy years. This is the evidence of impartial people, participants of the events and battles of the Second World War. We invite those who are not indifferent, those who are interested in the history of their country.