2015 ends with valuable book donations the Library has received
from generous users and publishers in October and December.
sincere thanks to
S.I .Svetlenko, V.S. Savchuk, O.A. Repan, S.N. Kayuk, I.A.
Kochergin, E. Lunyak, V.L. Galatskaya, A.Tolochko, A.V. Nelga
(Kiev), V.M. Galich, D.Y. Kolesnik (Kiev), T. Ignashkina, A.V.
Golubek, L. Karpets (Kharkiv), D.R. and L.S. Pihtovnikovs,
V.Nikolenko (14 books), K.M. Kraus, L. Donchenko, O.B. Sibal
(Lviv), A.V. Skaletska (Lviv) for their support in the library
Valuable books from the personal collections of Professor
I.F. Kovaleva and the Gordienko family joined historical and art
collections of the library. A nice edition was prepared by the
Kyiv-Mohyla Business-School - "Kiev ATENEY." Special thanks to
"Tempora" publishers (Kiev) for their own new books on history and
philology (24 books) donated to the Library by Professor D.
Arhireysky, to Dnipropetrovsk National History Museum - for basic,
beautifully designed сatalogs.
Happy New Year to Everyone who loves books.
In August 2015 the Library received a gift – 116 books from the book collection of
Zhuk Sergei Ivanovich, a DNU graduate, doctor of historical sciences, professor of Ball State University. The Library replenished its collection with valuable foreign literature of the 19th - early 21st century. The collection is presented in multi-volume editions of the nineteenth century on history, philology and geography: «A Journal of Historical Account of the Life, Travels, Sufferings, Christian Experiences, and Labour of Love in the Work of the Ministry of George Fox. Ph., 1831.Vol. 1-4, 7, 8», «Documents relative to the colonial history of the state of New-York: procured in Holland, England, and France / by John Romeyn Brodhead, 1855 Vol. 1-10». The book «Los Incas: el reino del Sol» («The Incas: the Kingdom of the Sun ") presents the history of the lost city Machu-Pikchu - the symbol of the Inca Empire, an archaeological site of the 15th-16th centuries. Modern editions on regional geography and books by American authors are also very interesting.
A unique photo album "Nazi "new order" in the cities of Ukraine" became a valuable library acquisition. The album is dedicated to the memory of the Jewish people and the Holocaust in Ukraine. The book contains photographs of World War II and museum documents on the history of Dnepropetrovsk of the occupation period.

Sincere thanks to Dnepropetrovsk authors Y.A.Shepel, A.V. Bashtannik for monographs and textbooks, to Ukrainian writer Olesya Omelchenko for the collection of dramatic works "Moment and Eternity".
Books are waiting for their readers. |